The truth is, it is easy to make money online if you know how to do it right. But beware of someone or something that offers you a hilarious amount of instant earning potential. Because the truth is, no one can predict whether or not you' will make it, and the time you will make it. And there are too many variables involved for a solid monetary figure on your earnings.
You may work three hours a day while the guru you admire put in fourteen hours. Compare your potential earnings based on your personal condition everyday with someone else wouldn't be realistic thus making all this making money online stuff unpredictable.
Morover, the marketers you admired might have been in this business and experiencing all the ups and downs for ten years while you have absolutely no experience of whatever an online career is. What seems effortless for an experienced marketer may be a task of steep learning curve for you and requires years of hard work.. Your road won't look like anyone's until you've walked it repeatedly from all your trial and error.
It also depends on whatever business model is. Your methods won't be the same as the others (even in the same niche), because you're of different skills and personal strength.
If you want to know more about the possible methods to making money online, and know more about the possible ways to do it, I suggest you spend some time on online forums before you diverge into it completely. The forums I personally browse and take part in daily is Warrior Forum, this is a paid forum that it requires a small investment of $!0 to join. For $10, you get to participate with other like-minded people and have the chance to meet experienced marketers for their precious experience. If you are interested in a more secluded and closer group, you can join War Room for more advanced functions. I don't think this forum is a solution for all and not most effective, not to mentioned newbies might be scammed owing to lack of experience, but, you really need get started for your education, so go out and shout now at WarriorForum!
Think about which niche you choose to go into. For example, let's say you're in Internet Marketing and your competitors have been in this niche for ten years, how can you cope with that? Try to find out a sub-niche, or micro-niche of less competition and get started, for example, if he teaches SEO then you might consider teaching article marketing.
You can't compare different niches. However, you can study the potential of growth for each niche. Some niches will out perform others in material payouts . Your goal is to select a niche that has a stable money making track record and you don't mind work 14 hours on it (to become a guru :).
So even if you don't make a killing with 5 figures the first time, you won't get discouraged because you'll recognize the potential there only if you wait for it to blossom. Whatever you do, don't put all of your eggs into one net, diverse your income streams and have a plan B to eliminate the risk of incessant .income.